Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy New Year!
Well I first wanted to say SORRY it has been so long since I posted!
Having a new baby has taken a lot out of me lately.
So, Christmas came and flew by! Holly MOLLY!!
It was so much fun watching Parker enjoy Christmas.
He was so excited to see that Santa came.
And Joel and I enjoyed watching him open all his gifts with a BIG smile!
I hope Christmas brought all of you happiness and joy.
This year is going to be a good one. 2009 is coming with good karma.
I made some new years resolutions:
I want to loose 50 lbs but I am taking baby steps, 25 by June.
I am GOING to stop swearing.
I am going to get a good job and keep it.
I am going to work on being a better mom, cooking better healthy foods, cleaning more,
and taking more time to play with Parker and being a ACTIVE mom.
And just better myself.
And I also want to start a savings account so we can buy our first home!!!
I hope that 2009 brings my family stability, jobs, money and happiness.
And I hope it brings happiness to you and your family too!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Years!

1 comment:

Stacey Crandall said...

Sounds good! you know now that you have put this on your blog for everyone to see you can't not do it!!! Maybe that's a good thing???